Semanalmente tenemos una asamblea general, para autoorganisar nos
Por el pequeño budget cada uno es invitado de compartir el costo de la comida entre todos a un base de igualdad, el precio es el costo de la comida que es entre 10 y 20 bol por dia,si no puedes podemos charlar del tema.
rio para nadar con playa de arena , viviendo en carpas, cocinando a fuego, es semi selvage con grande biodiversidad.
we form a comunity with those who arrive on a temporal or permanent base.
collectively we work between breakfast and lunch, the weekend is free. there's agriculture on small scale, medicinal plants in development,beekeeping, whole grain bread cooperative in which you can enter when there's mutual trust, bioconstruction: comunitarian kitchen,dry toilet, social projects with the surrounding area,projects according to your proposal, solar kitchen project to be developed further, meditacion place for yoga, taichi chuan or any other discipline, circusskills : juggling and clowning, balloonsculpting,....
Weekly we have a general assembly to organise ourselves.
For the small budget everybody is invited to share the cost off food between all on an equal base,the price is between 10 and 20 bol a day depending off what we eat, if you cannot we can talk about it.
river to swim in and sandbeach
living in tents
cooking on firewood.
place : paredones is 20 minutes from samaipata by car, when you arrive at the big river paredones village , follow on the right bank off the river , the red marcation can guide you as well,going left, against the current, at some point you must cross over and crossover again the river after that cross 2 creeks , on the right hand, after the last one to the right is the land off ecoaldea espiral de luz.welcome.
lugar : paredones es 20 minutos de samaipata por coche, quando llegas al grande rio del pueblito de paredones hay que seguir el orillo derecha del grande rio contra corriente ,seguir el marcacion rojo , desde la cancha de futbal , en terminos generales es ir a izquierda contra corriente,por el orillo derecha .despues la segunda quebrada a derecha es la tierra de ecoaldea espiral de luz bienvenido.
My name is Sophie van der Heiden. I am 27 years old and just received my Bachelors in Cultural Anthropology and Developmental Sociology, with a minor in Sustainable Development. I am writing this email because I am very enthousiastic about your ecovillage and goals. I wish to know whether you have any opportunities for me to come and volunteer at your ecovillage sometime between September 2016 and December 2016? I can stay for two weeks or even 2 months. I am very interested in sustainability and conservation, and especially ecovillages. I wrote my bachelor thesis on ecovillages. I am also very interested in spirituality and getting in closer connection to pacha mama.
Looking forward to your reply!
Mi nombre es Sophie van der Heiden. Tengo 27 años y acaba de recibir mi Licenciatura en Antropología Cultural y del Desarrollo Sociología, con un menor de edad en el desarrollo sostenible. Estoy escribiendo este correo electrónico porque soy muy entusiasta acerca de su ecoaldea y objetivos. Me gustaría saber si usted tiene alguna oportunidad para mí venir y voluntarios en su ecoaldea en algún momento entre septiembre de 2016 y de diciembre de 2016? Puedo permanecer durante dos semanas o incluso 2 meses. Estoy muy interesado en la sostenibilidad y la conservación, y en especial las ecoaldeas. Escribí mi tesis de licenciatura en ecoaldeas. También estoy muy interesado en la espiritualidad y ponerse en conexión más cercana a la pacha mama.
Estoy esperando tu repuesta,
Hola Sophie, Al final estuviste alli? me interesaria conocer tu experiencia,
Hi there,
I have just been looking at your website and what you have created looks fantastic.
I am planning a trip later this year, of course if restrictions allow me to. I currently live in London and I wondered if you had any volunteer opportunities? I would love to come and help out for a few weeks or months..
I’ve recently become interested in communities like yours and would love to live in this way and see how I like it. I suppose the first step is doing some volunteer work for a few weeks. If you have any other suggestions please let me know.
Thanks very much for reading. My email address is Please get in touch!
All the best,
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