Thursday, May 16, 2019

Clown Me In - lebanon


puppeteers in syria

sao paulo

preparing the suitcase

planning the tour , i imagine what can we do, what and where we like to act ? 

 Pictures from the clown me in tour in lebanon and the al jana festival ... 1 show in sao paulo, 14  in lebanon, schools, public spaces , refugeecamps-kayani foundation schools, orphanage- About 1000 kids, youngsters , women and men benefitted the pleasure off laughing, thanks to your generosity and to the clowns Tiff WearYara AsmarYassin MsallakhFeras HatemSabine ChoucairHisham Abou Nasr Assaad , Peter Breekelmans,Stephanie SotiryRawad Andraos,Abir FAkhryNidal RandaViveva LetempsDima Nachawi ,layla,the people from the al jana festival, specially clown hussein al -abdalah,  salim and hisham, thanks to  the work off the 2 puppeteers in syria.

Main expenses : in totally there came from family,friends and simpatisers and the al-jana festival 2235,84 dollar, in transport and renting a room in beyrut was spend 1393 dollar, 442,84  was spend in living expenses in lebanon and underway, left over is 200 dollar which will go to repairing my monocycle. which broke in tyr.

With this group of artists there's a great future for lebanon, the arabic culture is an amazing way off living and looking at the world,chukran  thank you very much and  most important i feel very happy with all the smiles and stars in the eyes.